One of West Virginia's Largest Amateur Radio Clubs

Who wants to win $1000.00
To help raise money for the Central West Virginia Wireless Association we will be selling Tip tickets. You will receive 1 chance (1 tip ticket) for every $10.00 that you donate we are only selling 300 once we sell all 300 tips we will anncounce the winner via a facebook live event. the winner will be contacted via the phone number provided. Get your tip early they are sure to sell fast. The tip tickets can be purchased using the secure paypal link below. Thanks for you support
CQ CQ Calling All Hams!
The Central West Virginia Wireless Association is an amateur radio club located in central West Virginia. We have a diverse club from new hams to hams that have been licensed for more than 30 years. We have Contest operators, dx’ers. public service focused operators, casual operators with modest radio setups, and die hard operators with the latest state of the art equipment and top-notch performing antennas. Everyone is welcome! We have our monthly meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 9:00 am at F.O.P. restaurant which is located at 422 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort , WV 26301. Our club operates 2 VHF repeaters both are Yaesu Fusion digital repeaters. The first repeater is located just west of Clarksburg and is on frequency 147.165 with a pl tone of 91.5. This repeater can be used analog or digital. The second repeater is located in Clarksburg and in on frequency 147.210 with a pl tone of 91.5 this repeater is dedicated to WIRES-X.